If you made it here…

Anticipating some of your questions 🤔

👉🏼 What about coaching and Malachi Daily? Aren’t you all in on the faith driven stuff?

I’m actually an atheist now. Just kidding.


I’m still coaching, but on a more limited basis (4-5 clients on my roster at a time).

I intentionally scaled down to free up time to launch Malachi Daily (✅) and to open myself up to other opportunities (more on that below).

Malachi Daily

Long story short, it's not a full-time gig. I'm keeping it simple, bootstrapping and playing the long game. It’s a simple service, and will become more automated with the next iteration.

So I wouldn’t expect it to take much more time even if it blows up (in a good way). It’ll either be great staying simple, or it will die simple (happy to share more about why/what I mean by this).

Between MD, coaching, and cool stuff I get to do with my local church here in NJ, I'm really happy with the contributions I get to make in the world of faith.

This leaves me with 1-3 days a week of capacity.

👉🏼 Why are you looking for something at all?

👉🏼 What would this look like // how would we structure your involvement?

I'm open to a number of options:

Other food for thought - I framed it in the video as a hypothesis. We could start small, then build from there. Here's an example progression:

Cons 👎

  • I haven’t taken MVV yet so that video wasn't as good as it could have been had I taken it
  • I'm more expensive than an intern or offshore talent
  • No tengo un gato
  • No bebo café

Pros 👍

  • I think we’d be a killer combo and the thought of working together gets me jazzed
  • I'd bring more ROI ($ + mission) than an intern or offshore talent
  • Soy un #Wildcat
  • Más café para ti

Let's talk? ✈️

If you think this is worth a conversation, we have 2 options:

  1. Grab time here, or
  2. If you want to be epic, give me a day, time & your favorite coffee spot - I’ll fly out to ATX next week

just for fun..

*me heading to catch my flight to ATX* ?