Philippians 3:8

(3 min)

"Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ"

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Historical Context 🤓

  1. This is part of the letter Paul wrote to the church in Philippi, which is located in current day Greece
  2. The church at Philippi was the first Christian church in Europe, planted by Paul in AD 50 or 51 (less than 20 years after Jesus' death and resurrection)
  3. Paul wrote this letter from a Roman prison about 10 years after planting the church

Cultural Context 🕍

The Philippian church was mostly made up of Gentiles (non-Jews), and Paul knew there were false teachers trying to get Gentiles to follow Jewish ceremonial law in order to receive salvation.

In Philippians 3:4-6, Paul lists his accomplishments and qualifications according to the old paradigm of Jewish standards for righteousness:

  1. He was a true Hebrew (born Jewish and didn't compromise with Greek cultural influence),
  2. He was from the tribe of Benjamin (a distinguished tribe)
  3. He was a Pharisee (religious elite), law-abiding (righteous by human standards) and actively persecuted Christians in defense of Jewish tradition

The point? ☑️ ☑️ ☑️

If it were possible to gain salvation by obeying the Jewish ceremonial laws, Paul would have been the most qualified person of his day.

He checked all the boxes.

Verse 8: I consider them 'skybalon' 🗑️ 💩

After Paul lists his worldly qualifications, he uses a Greek word (skybalon) that can be translated: animal excrement (our translations say 'garbage' or 'rubbish').

Paul considers it all garbage compared to the worth of knowing Christ Jesus.

His 'qualifications' are meaningless when it comes to salvation. They're not enough to buy him righteousness.

It would be like trying to use monopoly money to buy a car. It wouldn't work because monopoly money is not the true currency the car dealership uses.

Similarly, accolades and status are not the true currency of the Kingdom.

The currency of the Kingdom is righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ alone.

Final Consideration: Paul Imitating Jesus 🤯

Jesus gave up what it truly meant to "have it all."

He was in perfect relationship, present with the Father, seated on the throne.

And he gave all of that up, counting it as loss if he could not share that with us.

Paul was willing to lose everything to "gain Christ." Jesus lost everything in order to gain you.

As you memorize Philippians 3:8 this week, consider how valuable you are in the eyes of Jesus. And consider how valuable it is to know Jesus personally.

Have a blessed week,

The Malachi Daily Team 🙏🏽

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