Matthew 4:4

(3 min)

Jesus answered,Β β€œIt is written: β€˜Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’

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In this week’s passage, Jesus quotes Scripture from Deuteronomy 8:3 to respond to the devil in the desert.

Author/Audience Context πŸ€“

Literary Context ✍🏽

Passage Context: The first temptation 😩

Here's the sequence of events leading up to Matthew 4:4:

Jesus gets baptized β†’ he receives the Holy Spirit β†’ the Father says: β€œThis is my Son, with whom I am well pleased.”

Jesus then goes into the wilderness and fasts for 40 days to spend time with the Father and prepare spiritually for his public ministry. Then, the enemy shows up.

In verse 3, the devil tempts Jesus to turn the stones into bread - in other words, to use his power to satisfy his own physical desire for food.

And the tempter came and said to him, β€œIf you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.”

πŸ’‘ Interesting note: Verse 3 sounds remarkably similar to what Jesus hears when he's on the cross: β€œYou who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself! If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross.”

Jesus’ response 🐐

Jesus responds by quoting Deuteronomy 8:3, where Moses reminds the Israelites of the 40 years they spent in the desert after being liberated from Egypt.

In that context, God was teaching the Israelites how to trust Him alone for provision.

Here's Deuteronomy 8:3:

He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.

After 40 days of fasting, Jesus' response to the enemy communicates at least this:

He came to earth to accomplish the will of the Father, even if it's at the expense of his own physical suffering - a foreshadowing of the cross.

For Reflection: The Desert, Garden & The Cross πŸ€”

In Matthew 4, the enemy tempts Jesus 3 times.


Jesus quotes Scripture 3 times.

The enemy quoted Scripture out of context (verse 6).


Jesus quoted Scripture in context.

Jesus quoted Scripture in the desert, in the garden of Gethsemane, and on the Cross itself.

As you memorize Scripture (in context), you are imitating Jesus and being transformed by the very Word of God.

Imitate your Savior this week,

The Malachi Daily Team πŸ™

P.S. Invite a friend! πŸ’¬ If they sign up by Saturday night, they'll get to journey with us for the next passage we memorize as a community.

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