"I will dwell among the people of Israel and will be their God.And they shall know that I am the Lord their God, who brought them out of the land of Egypt that I might dwell among them."
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The Series 🗺️
We're in Part 2 of a 4-part series on God's presence.
At a high level here's how we're tracking the theme of God's presence:
Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:8) -> Tabernacle (Exodus 29:45-46a) -> Jesus -> New Jerusalem
Historical Context 🤓
Author: Moses wrote Exodus, the second book of the Bible & the Torah
Original Audience: The Israelites during their 40-years of wandering in the desert
The Biblical Story
Last week in Gen 3:8, we saw that God’s original intention was to be present with His people, but human sin created a barrier between man and God.
This week, we see evidence of God's commitment to restoring his original desireto be with His people.
God's Chosen: Abraham → Israel ❤️
God chose a family (Abraham's in Gen 12) and a nation (Israel) through whom he would bless all nations and restore his Genesis 1 intention.
The Israelites disobey God over and over. But God is deeply committed to His relationship with them and to accomplishing his intention to bless all nations through them.
➡️ One tangible way we see God's commitment to Israel is the access God gives them to His presence.
Enter: The Tabernacle ⛺
Our passage comes right after a set of instructions God gives Moses for how the tabernacle (a portable tent where the Israelites met with God) should be built and how sacrifices should be performed.
It was central to worship & the relationship between God and the Israelites.
God's presence dwelled there. It was where priests performed sacrificesto atone for the sins of the people to maintain their covenantal relationship with God.
The Ultimate Tabernacle ✝️
In the wilderness, we see the Israelites going to God at the tabernacle to sacrifice & atone for their own sins.
On the cross, Jesus was God coming to US to sacrifice & atone for OUR sins.
Reflect: Past, Present & Future 🤔
Notice the 3 elements in our passage this week:
Past evidence: "I am the Lord..who broughtthem out of the land of Egypt"
Present reality: "I am the Lord their God."
Future promise: "I will dwell among the people of Israel and will be their God."
As we memorize this week, let's reflect on God's loving pursuit of us despite our sin - yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Remember the times when God pursued you in the past.
And recognize that God is pursuing you right now - he wants you to experience more of his presence.
Seek His presence this week,
The Malachi Daily Team 🙏
P.S. Next week, we continue this 4-week series of passages on the theme of God's presence. Invite a friend!💬 If they sign up by Saturday night, they'll get to journey with us through the rest of the series.
Memorize one Bible verse every other week & learn its context via email 📧
🧠 Memorize 1 passage of Scripture every other week
🤓 Learn its historical, cultural and literary context