John 1:14

(2 min)

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

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This week, we're continuing on the theme of God's presence with us.

Here's how we've tracked the "location" of God's presence over the past few weeks.

Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:8) -> Tabernacle (Exodus 29:45-46) -> Temple -> Jesus (John 1:14) -> Holy Spirit -> Garden City

Historical Context 🤓

Literary Context: John's Introduction 🗣️

John intentionally starts his gospel in John 1:1 with the same words the Bible starts with:

In the beginning was the Word.

To equate Jesus with God and describe him as the logos were bold claims to both Jewish and Gentile audiences.

"The Word" Dwelling Among Us ⛺

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.."

1. In verse 14, John is claiming that Jesus is the embodiment of God.

The word John uses here for “dwell” in the Greek means “to live in a tent,” which is a reference to the tabernacle Moses set up in Exodus 40 (based on the instructions he received in Exodus 29).

2. John is saying that Jesus is God’s tabernacle - aka the location of, the manifestation of God's presence.

In other words, what used to be limited to the special room inside the Tabernacle and later the Temple, was now with them in human form.

For Reflection 🤔

As you memorize this week, consider this: The creator of the universe wanted so badly to be with you that..

Why? He wants to be with you.

Why? Because he loves you.

Isaiah 43:4

" are precious in my eyes,

and honored, and I love you.."

Think about the person you love most - a spouse, a child, a sibling, a friend - and how your favorite thing to do is simply be with them.

God wants to be with you infinitely more than you want to be with that person.

Praying that your heart be moved by God's desire to be with you,

The Malachi Daily Team 🙏

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