Genesis 3:8

(2 min)

And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.

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Creation sets the stage for the entire biblical story. This month we'll focus on passages showing us this truth: God's deep desire is to be WITH us in fullness.

At a high level here's how we’ll track the "location" of God's presence over the next few weeks:

Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:8) -> Tabernacle -> Temple -> Jesus -> Holy Spirit -> Garden City

Historical Context 🤓

Original language ('āḏām) 🤓🤓

Creation and the fall isn’t just a story about one man, it’s about all of mankind. This isn’t just Adam’s story - it's the human story.

The Big Picture: God's Presence 🌳

Translation: After the fall, humans could no longer be fully in God’s presence.

..But God Pursues 👨👩 ❤️ 🏃‍♂️

The vast majority of the Bible (Genesis 12-Revelation 20) is the story of redemption - of God pursuing His people.

And despite our sin, God demonstrates His commitment to restoring the union we originally had with Him in the Garden.

Looking Ahead 👀

Over the next month, we’ll memorize passages that help us realize how much wants to be present with us.

Reflect: The True Glory of the Garden 🏝️

As you memorize Genesis 3:8 this week, meditate on the significance of The Garden.

The Garden conjures up images of tropical vacations in exotic locations.

But the true beauty - the true glory of The Garden was not just in its paradise-like qualities.

The true glory of the Garden was God Himself.

Praying that you sense God's presence with you this week,

The Malachi Daily Team 🙏

Start memorizing Scripture and learning its context via text 💬

🧠 Memorize 1 passage of Scripture every week

🤓 Learn its historical, cultural and literary context

⏰ All in less than 2 minutes a day