Exodus 29:45-46

(2 min)

"I will dwell among the people of Israel and will be their God. And they shall know that I am the Lord their God, who brought them out of the land of Egypt that I might dwell among them. I am the Lord their God."

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Our theme this month is God's presence. In this week's passage, God is speaking to Moses at Mount Sinai.

Intimate Relationship

The language in Exodus 29:45-46 is language of deep intimacy and relationship, which is a central theme in the book of Exodus.

From start to finish, we see God's specific and intimate involvement in the Israelites' lives. And despite the Israelites' recurring disobedience, God is deeply committed to maintaining intimate relationship with them as His chosen people.

One of the unique and tangible elements of the relationship God has with the Israelites is the access God gives them to His presence.

Timeline: Placing our passage in the Exodus story

The tabernacle

Our passage comes right after a set of instructions God gives Moses for how the tabernacle should be built, how the priests should be consecrated and how the sacrifices should be performed.

The tabernacle was a tent - a temporary structure and the portable place where the Israelites met with God from the time in the wilderness until King Solomon built the first Temple.

Source: Replica of the tabernacle in Timna Valley Park, Israel

The significance of the tabernacle

The tabernacle was central to worship and the relationship between God and His people.

It was where God's presence dwelled and where the priests performed sacrifices to atone for the sins of the people to maintain their covenantal relationship with God.

For Reflection: Past, Present & Future

Notice the 3 elements in our passage this week:

As you memorize this week, meditate on God's unshakeable commitment to be with you.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow.


Have a blessed week,

The Malachi Daily Team 🙏

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